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Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León

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Programs for hiring research staff (predoctoral, postdoctoral)

Presentation of the programme

The Download of type document PDFOpen a new window Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Technology and Innovation   established the types of contract for research staff available both to public research bodies at the general state administration as well as at other public authorities such as universities. 

These different types include pre-doctoral and post-doctoral contracts at universities, and which may be funded within the framework of calls for funding issued by various bodies or through the budget of the university itself. ACSUCYL'S cooperation may be sought in the assessment of applications from:

  • The regional ministry responsible for universities at the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon through Download of type document PDFOpen a new windowAgreement (1.929 kbytes) signed to said effect.
  • Universities to whom the Agency offers this assessment programme in its Catalog of Evaluation Services, uch that universities may Download of type document DOCXOpen a new windowsolicitar la prestación (111 kbytes) this service which, subsequent to approval by ACSUCYL’S Board of Directors and the signing of the corresponding contract, will give way to the assessment process.
Process and criteria

The evaluation of the applications for grants from the Ministry of Education aimed at financing the pre-doctoral hiring of research staff, co-financed by the European Social Fund, is carried out by ACSCUCYL according to the procedure established in the following evaluation manual:

ACSCUCYL carries out the evaluation of applications submitted to calls from Universities for the pre-selection or postdoctoral hiring of research staff or PhD Assistant professors according to the procedure established in the following evaluation manual:

The calls in which ACSUCyL has collaborated or is currently collaborating in this type of evaluations can be consulted in the following files. In them you can also see the "evaluation methodology" used in each evaluation process, in which the guidelines, references or evaluation rubric used to apply the evaluation criteria established in the different calls are specified, as well as those elements and aspects that the evaluation bodies take into consideration for the motivation of their evaluations and reports:

Assessment body

ACSUCYL carries out the evaluations of the applications for grants from the Ministry of Education aimed at financing the pre-doctoral hiring of research staff, and of the applications submitted to the calls of the Universities for the pre-selection or post-doctoral hiring of research staff or Doctor Assistant professors through of the Research Assessment Committee ,which is responsible amongst other tasks for

  • Planning and coordinating the assessment process.

  • Designing, approving and publishing the assessment criteria and methods.

  • Adopting joint final assessment decisions.

In order to perform its tasks, the committee draws on the advice of experts, setting up a scientific panel related to the area of knowledge linked to the research project. Said experts are from universities outside Castilla y León.

In the case of the evaluation of the applications submitted to the calls of the Universities for the pre-selection or postdoctoral hiring of research staff or Doctor Assistant professors, the Commission seeks the advice of experts. Each application, in general (unless the contract signed with the University specifies that only one expert will intervene), is assessed individually by two experts in the applicant's field of work, acting as “blind peers”.

The work undertaken by the members of the committee and the experts in the scientific panel is subject to the Agency's Download of type document PDFOpen a new windowCódigo Ético (556 kbytes) .


The results and indicators of the evaluation processes of the applications for grants from the Ministry of Education destined to finance the pre-doctoral hiring of personal researcher, and of the applications submitted to calls of the Universities for the pre-selection or post-doctoral hiring of research staff or of Doctor Assistants professors, in which ACSUCyL has collaborated, can be consulted in the following files: