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Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León

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ACSUCYL has been a member of the European Consortium for Acreditation, ECA ince 2016, from where it fosters internationalisation accreditation and quality assurance processes in the European Higher Education Area, EHEA

Within the ECA, the Agency is actively involved in its working groups. From July 1, 2019 ACSUCYL will assume the Technical Secretariat of the Consortium, as well as being part of the working groups.


  •  Working group 1: WG1 - Mutual recognition and joint programmes . The aim of this group is to develop the method to accredit the training programmes implemented through mutual recognition agreements and the identification of areas of cooperation between universities.
  •  Working group 2: WG2 - Innovation in QA and Accreditation . The aim of this group is to address innovative issues such as employability and cross-cutting competences, activities for internationalising higher education, approaches based on risk analysis and regional thematic analyses. 


ACSUCYL acts as an assessment agency in order to obtain the Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation CeQuInt - ECA , the aim of which is to evaluate, improve and recognise that a training programme or institution has successfully included an internationalisation dimension in its objectives, functions and results.