In accordance with Real Decreto 822/2021 (466 kbytes) , of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure, the official degrees registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT ) must periodically renew their accreditation to remain registered in the aforementioned registry and maintain their official status.
The general procedure for renewing the accreditation of a degree begins at the request of the university before the Council of Universities, which will request a mandatory and determining report from the competent quality agency, as is the case with ACSUCYL. The purpose of the report will be to verify that the study plan is being carried out in accordance with its initial project, through an evaluation that includes a visit by external experts to the university, and will be sent to the Council of Universities, which will decide on the renewal of the accreditation of the title
The assessment criteria and guidelines have been drawn up by the Red Española de Agencias de Calidad Universitaria (REACU) (534 kbytes) , in accordance with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Higher Education, (ESG) :
ACSUCYL conducts assessment of degrees through the Degree Assessment Commission , which is responsible amongst other tasks for:
In order to perform its tasks, the committee draws on the advice of experts, set up in Comités de Evaluación (481 kbytes) , organised in five fields or areas of knowledge (Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences, Humanities, Engineering and Architecture).
The work undertaken by the members of the assessment committee and the experts in the committees is subject to the Agency's Código Ético (556 kbytes) .
The assessment reports for renewal of accreditation official degrees for universities in Castilla y León listed in the University Register of Centres and Degrees (RUCT) are published in Acsucyl´s search engine for official degrees