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Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León

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Student Board

The Student Board offers advice for analysing and improving ACSUCYL'S activities from the standpoint of promoting and safeguarding university students’ rights and obligations in accordance with international standards, and jointly takes on the following tasks:

  • Channelling suggestions, comments and opinions from students concerning the quality of the higher education system. 
  • Gathering suggestions concerning the activities undertaken by ACSUCYL aimed at improving the service provided by the Agency.
  • Issuing reports or analyses that may be requested and, in particular, advising the Agency concerning projects that may have a direct impact on students.
  • Helping to raise awareness of ACSUCYL'S activities amongst the university student community. 
  • Helping to promote student participation in activities related to quality assurance in universities.

The regulations governing the functioning of this board, together with the profiles and technical requirements for its members are described in its Download of type document PDFOpen a new windowRules governint Student Board (196 kbytes)

The Board is made up of student representatives from the higher education system in Castilla y Leon, experts with experience in the field of quality in higher education.

Current composition of the Download of type document PDFOpen a new windowConsejo de Estudiantes. (425 kbytes)