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Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León

Logotipo del Quality Assurance Agency for the University System

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List of Services

The Lists of Services are set out in Download of type document PDFOpen a new window Real Decreto 951/2005, de 29 de julio, por el que se establece el marco general para la mejora de la calidad en la Administración General del Estado and are mechanisms designed to inform the public of the services entrusted to the Agency, as well as of citizens and users’ rights with regard to said services and the commitments to quality undertaken in the provision thereof.

Likewise, in Castilla y León, Download of type document PDFOpen a new windowDECRETO 4/2021, de 18 de febrero, por el que se establece el marco para la mejora de la calidad y la innovación de los servicios públicos de la Administración de la Comunidad de Castilla y León. (537 kbytes) promotes lists of service designed as mechanisms of ongoing quality improvement in public services.