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Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León

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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is ACSUCYL'S collegiate governing body, responsible for approving its annual action plan, its preliminary draft budget and its staff, amongst other functions. It is composed of the following members:

  • The person holding office at the regional ministry responsible for universities, who presides.

  • The person holding office at the regional directorate general for universities and research, who acts as vice-president.

  • The person holding office at the general treasury, at the regional treasury ministry.

  • The person holding office at the regional directorate general for service quality.

  • Chancellors at public universities in Castilla y León.

  • One chancellor from a private university in Castilla y León, at the proposal of the Castilla y Leon University Council.

  • Two presidents of the social councils of public universities in Castilla y Leon, at the proposal of the Castilla y Leon University Council.

  • Two people from the regional directorate general for universities, proposed by the person holding office thereat. One of these members, who must be a public servant, shall act as secretary of the Board of Directors, with the right to speak but not to vote.

  • One renowned business person, at the proposal of the Castilla y Leon University Council.

  • Two renowned persons from the academic or scientific community, at the proposal of the Academic Committee of the Castilla y Leon University Council.

  • The Director of the Agency.

The Board of Directors has a standing committee, made up of:
  • The person holding office at the regional ministry responsible for university affairs, who shall preside.
  • The person holding office at the regional directorate general for universities.
  • One chancellor from public universities in Castilla y Leon. This post will be held on a rotational basis, following the seniority of the institutions.
  • One of the presidents from the Social Council of Public Universities in Castilla y Leon who forms part of the plenary of the Board of Directors, chosen by the latter.
  • The Director of the Agency.
  • The secretary of the Board of Directors, who shall act as secretary of the standing committee.
The regulations governing the functioning of the Board of Directors is established in Download of type document PDFOpen a new window Decreto 15/2015, de 19 de febrero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Castilla y León.

Current composition:​