The Advisory Board is ACSUCYL'S collegiate consultative body, responsible for advising the Agency with regard to its activity plans and issuing whatever reports may be required of it concerning all matters that fall within the scope of ACSUCYL'S powers, amongst other functions. It is made up of the following members:
Four members of the academic or scientific community, who evidence a significant teaching and research career.
Three experts in higher education systems and quality processes in the field of universities, at least two of whom should be from the international university community.
Three representatives from the business sector who evidence a proven professional career.
Current composition published in the Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León (325 kbytes) :
President: D. Juan José Mateos Otero (496 kbytes)
Secretary: D. José Alija Castrillo (449 kbytes)
Vocal: D. Ángel José Gómez Montoro (474 kbytes)
Vocal: D. Pedro Manuel Cátedra García (546 kbytes)
Vocal: Dª. Rosa Mª Martín Aranda (510 kbytes)
Vocal: Dª. Isabel Velázquez Soriano (499 kbytes)
Vocal: Dª. Mechtild Albert (570 kbytes)
Vocal: Dª. Lucía Sala Silveira (421 kbytes)