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Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y León

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Universities in Castilla y León

Universities in Castilla y León

Universities in Castilla y León have in place policies and processes to ensure and enhance the quality of all their activities, including teaching, research, and management, in an effort to secure both accountability and improvement. This two-fold approach helps to create trust in their work as higher education institutions and in their quality, seen as a commitment to responsibility undertaken by all the stakeholders involved in order to ensure that the programmes and resources are adapted to the goals they pursue: institutions do well what they are supposed to do.

ACSUCYL contributes to the correct implementation of quality assurance systems in higher education institutions, aimed at providing useful information for the institutions’ own decision-making and for accountability, in an exercise of responsibility that will generate trust amongst society at large concerning the quality of their activities. This also helps with regard to offering advice and providing recommendations concerning how improvements may be made and how current processes may be fine-tuned at universities and in the education system as a whole.